Over the past few weeks, I've picked up a few random pieces that I thought I'd share.
At Priceline, I repurchased the Bastiste Dry Shampoo in Blush, picked up a Rimmel polish in 'Double-Decker Red' (love that name), two Sally Hansen polishes (post here) and the Garnier BB cream for sensitive skin. I wore the Rimmel polish two weeks straight and wanna wear it next again! Its just a stunning red. I have also been enjoying the BB cream for a quick fix in the morning.
At target I picked up another bottle of my Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation, as they had reduced the entire range. This makes me worried that Target are discontinuing the sale of Bourjois products, I hope not because I love this foundation! Saying that, it was half price! I saw that the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks matte range had *finally* arrived here and got colour 107, which I've been wanting forever after seeing it on Zoella. Target also had a sale bin with random things in it and I grabbed a Australis lipgloss in Lambada.
Finally my local Myer also had a sale bin and I stumbled across this Elizabeth Arden blush in Sugar Plum and snatched it up as it reminded me of Nars Douceur. This blush is SUPER pigmented, been loving.
Hope you enjoyed,
B x